Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Y u treAt me LIKe tat ??

huh !!

y u treat me like tat wor ???
make me 'pai seh' in front of my frenz...
make me like 'sai lou zai'...
u tot i'm still small meh ??
plz lar..
i'm 19 jor.. if 'hou mia' ,
i can b ppl's 'lao peh' jor..
tak kan.. goin oUt late,oso hv 2 control bY U ??
OmG !! T_T

Monday, August 13, 2007

M i so C2piD ??

huh !!





Saturday, August 11, 2007

SHE PosTEr !!

who GoNNa Buy a WaTCh ??
BaBy-G .. or CaSIo !!

taken by uSing lausy K750i ..
haiz.. not nice !!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

NoT WeaRiNg..SpEc !!

here i m !! taken wIf not WeaRInG SpeC !!
WHO request b4 har ??

lolx.. looK lyK c2pId GuyZ !!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

dA 3 CraZY stuff !!

after da movie << FLASH POINT >> ..
v all go 2 Mc D !! haha...
dA 3 CraZY stuff.. R :

~ Chris ~
taKEn when hE is BluFfiNg aroUnd..
lolx.. sure hE get TL wheN hE c Diz..

CraZy ~ Nick ~
takE da c2pid + crazy acTioN..

~ yAnG ~
huh !!
diz guy.. eat franch fries oso SO LA PU !!
really BeH TAhAn lolx..

u See ??
DoIN da C2Pid ThiNgs AGAIN lor..
make da MIxtuRe..
haha.. da Waiter Sure TL.. but nvm lar..
diz pakAi bUAng(juz lyk pampers geh ??)..
no BiG dEaL geh !!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Deer Sir,
I waunt to apply for the secritary job what I saw in the paper.

I can Type real quik wit one finggar and do sum a counting.
I think I am good on the phone and no I am a pepole person, Pepole really seam to respond to me belly well.
I´m lookin for a Jobb as a secritary but it musent be to complicaited.
I no my spelling is not to good but find that I Offen can get a job thru my persinalety.
My salerery is open so we can discus wat you want to pay me and wat you think that I am werth, I can start imeditely.
Thank you in advanse fore yore anser. .
hopifuly Yore best aplicant so farr.


Peggy May Starlings

PS : Because my resimay is a bit short - below is a pickture of me taken at my last jobb.


Employer's reply:......

Dear Peggy,

It's OK honey, we've got spell check.....
Welcome onboard!!!

Want to know why u r working so hard?

On the very first day of the world, God created the cow.
He said to the cow: "Ah Gu (cow), today I have created you!
Your job is to go to the field with the farmer all day long.
You will provide the energy to pull things!
You will also provide milk for people to drink!
You are to work all day under the sun!
In return, you will only eat grass.
For that, you will have a life span of 50 years.

Ah Gu objected. "What.. I work all day in the sun and I get only to eat grass!
On top of that, I have to give my milk away!
This is tough and you want me to live 50 years!
I'll take 20 and you can have the remaining 30 years back!"
God agreed.

On the next day, God created the dog.
He said to the dog. "Ah Kow (dog), I have created you for a purpose.
You are to sit all day by the door of your master's house!
Should anyone come in, you are to bark at them! In return, you will eat your master's leftovers.
I'll give you a life span of 20 years." Ah Kow objected. "
What! I have to sit by the door all day and will need to bark at people, and what do I get...LEFTOVERS...
This isn't right, I'll take 10 and you can have the remaining 10 years back!"
God agreed again.

On the third day, God created the monkey.
He said to the monkey. "Lao Kao (monkey), your job is to entertain people.
You will make them laugh, act stupid and make faces!
You will also do somersaults and swing on trees to amaze them.
In return, you will get to eat bananas and peanuts.
For that, I'll give you 20 years to live."
Naturally the monkey objected.
"This is ridiculous, I gotta make faces and make people laugh let not even come to the part about the trees and somersaults.
Tell you what, I'll give 10 years of my life to thank you for my existence and I'll take 10.
What do you think?"
God agreed again.

On the forth day, God created humans.
God said to the man. "You are my best piece of work, for that, you will only need to sleep, eat, sleep, play, eat, sleep again and do nothing else.
You will get to eat all the best things and play with the best toys.
All you need to do is enjoy all your life.
For this kinda of life, I'll give you 20 years." Just like the rest, the man objected.
"What, all I need to do is relax and enjoy myself and I have only 20 years to live?
Tell you what, you've 30 years back from Ah Gu, 10 years from Ah Kow and another 10 from Lao Kao and you probably don't know what to do with all those lifes.
Why not I take them all and I'll have 70 years to live?"

God being such good natured, agreed with a smile..

We eat, sleep, play and enjoy for the first 20 years of our lives when we are growing up.
Work like a cow for the next 30 to raise our family.
Sit outside the door and bark at people for the next 10 when we are retired.
And finally, we make faces and perform monkey tricks to entertain our grandchildren for the final 10 years.
GET IT ???

huh !! T.T

deduct 500 at 1 time !!!

so cruel !!
juz reach da target !!
den fall down & hv 2 climb up again !!!

D**n sh** ..
WTF !!
4ce me 2 say BAD WORD AGAIN !!!
MF !!
KNB78i .. @#$%^&* !!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

RK hOUsE ?? NOPE.. juz MAMAK..

HAviN coffee at MAMAK STALL..wif FRENZ >>
!! Most GirL WANTED !!
i'M ~ Nick ~..
He is ~ Chris Tang ~..
& diz is ~ JohN Lim ~..

V r L3pAk+ING there.. juz HaNgINg AroUnd.. haha
LOLx there... WatcHiNg WrestlIng on TV3..

Saturday, August 4, 2007

which 1 nerhx ??

K618i K800i

which shud i buy nerhx ?? i like K800i.. but my budget not s high..
K618i same.. got 3G..

but da camera.. juz 2.0 MP ..

K800i is 3.2 MP .. CyberShot.. u noe ??

haiz.. so FAN !!

lolx.. s0 HAPPY !!



SOLD BOTH of dizz 2 2day !!
2day is my LUCKY day !!
haha... u all now wat is da PRICE ??
huh.. my 2 months salary nerhx !!
but i cant tell u here.. TOP SECRET !!
1na noe ?? go survey ba..

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

how do u think ??

taken aT wOrKinG Place.. TiME SQUARE..

taken At TiME SQUARE QueensBay (our branch)..

how do u think bout diz guy ??
sum say nice.. sum said his forehead so high..
leave me ur comments bout diz guy plz..
haha..diz guy is nick..lolx